Grandview Heights Schools

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Celebrating Our Students

The Grandview Heights High School Concert Band and The Grandview Singers received Superior ratings at the March 2025 OMEA District Contest event allowing both groups to proceed to the state competition May 2-3. 

In February, GHHS musician Max McCollough (horn, 10th grade) was selected to perform in The Ohio State University Honor Band Festival. This is McCollough’s second of year being selected to perform in this prestigious event. Over 900 individual student nominations were submitted by band directors from nine states for this year's event. A total of 270 musicians representing over 150 high schools were selected for the three honor bands.

Also in February, three GHHS band students and seven Larson Middle School band students were selected to participate in the Ohio Wesleyan Honor Band. LMS musicians Rose Ritzman (alto sax, 8th grade), Halle McNamara (trombone, 8th grade), Ashlyn Quinby (baritone, 8th grade), Molly Brooks (clarinet, 8th grade), Sydney Heren (tenor sax, 8th grade), Maddi Barger (flute, 8th grade), and Audrey Connell (clarinet, 7th grade) and GHHS musicians Max McCollough (horn, 10th grade), Charlotte Ritzman (flute, 10th grade), and Isla Swisher (tenor sax, 9th grade) were all selected by director nomination. 

There were two middle school honor bands and one high school honor band at this event, with each group featuring around 90 gifted musicians from across the state of Ohio. What made this honor band extra special is that all three GHHS musicians served as the principal (first chair) player of their section. McCollough and Ritzman were also featured together on a duet during one of the honor band pieces. It is an outstanding achievement to be selected to participate in these band experiences.