A Message and Reminders from GHHSAA President Tom Smith
The Bobcats are 2 – 0 and below is a story link to details on the Ox Roast. March with the Band after the game down to the Lighting of the Fire! Click here: http://www.thisweeknews.com/news/20170828/beer-beef-back-for-ox-roast
2017 Alumni Night Friday, September 8
(Make that Alumni Weekend September 8 & 9)
GHHS Open House Friday evening from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. to walk the halls and remember. All Alumni are invited to gather at the High School – especially Class of ’37 their 80th Reunion, Class of ’42 their 75th Reunion, Class of ’47 their 70th Reunion, Class of ’52 their 65th Reunion, Class of ’57 their 60th, ’62 their 55th, ’67 their 50th, ’72 their 45th, ’77 their 40th, ’82 their 35th, ’87 their 30th, ’92 their 25th, ’97 their 20th, ’02 their 15th, ’07 their ‘10th and ’12 their 5th! And ALL GHHS Alums!
All former band members may join the Band and march with the amazing GHHS Marching Band and also be on the field for the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. You are invited to join in with the band and there are a limited number of instruments available.
Details from Band Director, Chris Herrmann are shown below. Alumni Band members that receive this e-mail please forward to your fellow classmates who may not be on our e-mail list.
All former cheerleaders are invited to join the cheerleaders during the 1st quarter. The last two years this group has had the most fun, contact Head Coach, Laura Lombardi [email protected] or Assistant Coach Kiley Landusky [email protected] for details.
Alumni cheerleaders who receive this e-mail please forward to your fellow classmates who may not be on our e-mail list. There are a limited number of cheer t-shirts available to purchase – so if you still have your shirts from previous years please wear them!
All Alumni are invited to walk down the track at halftime.
And by the way – you will watch the Grandview Bobcats play North Union! Game starts at 7 p.m. at Bobcat Stadium/Anderson Field.
Tour the Buildings - Saturday, September 9
Stevenson Elementary, Edison Intermediate, and Larson Middle School will be open to walk around and reminisce to all GHHS Alumni and family members from 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon.
PS – The Ox Roast starts Thursday, September 7, the Football Team will light the fire Friday after the game and the Open GHHSAA Board Meeting is Thursday, September 7, at 6:00 p.m.
A Message from Chris Herrmann - Grandview Heights High School Band Director
Instruments: Alumni can contact me directly at [email protected] should they need an instrument for Alumni Night. Woodwinds will need to bring their own reeds, as we don’t stock them.
Rehearsal: There will be a warm-up/run through music rehearsal at 6:00PM. It will be very brief, perhaps 10-15 minutes. This will give the alumni an opportunity to play with the GHMB before marching into the stadium.
Music: I’ll share a link with you so if alumni want to download and start practicing early, they can. Otherwise, I’ll have music the night of the performance.
Charts: No charts necessary; alumni will stand and play near the ladder on the front sideline.
If you have any questions, contact Chris Herrmann at [email protected]
To learn more about the Grandview Heights High School Alumni Association and members, check out their Fall 2017 newsletter here: