For the second year in a row, a Grandview Heights Schools student has been selected to be a Columbus Marathon Patient Champion. Edison Intermediate fourth grader Ally Oross will be the Mile #22 Patient Champion during the Nationwide Children's Columbus Marathon.
Every mile of the marathon is lined by a Patient Champion to represent all of the kids treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital. Join Ally and Mile Sponsor 10TV on race day for the most meaningful marathon in the country! Ally's theme is Buckeye Dance Party so be sure to show your spirit by wearing your favorite Buckeye or Bobcat gear. Food will be provided by Giant Eagle.
Ally was born with a rare cleft palate condition. This has created a drive in her to make sure everyone around her is treated with kindness - no matter how different they may be.
Read Ally's inspiring story here:
Come help Ally cheer on the marathon runners on Sunday, October 15, 2017. Cheer Location, directions, and suggested parking details are attached below.
Ally's fourth grade classmates are going the extra mile by creating a coin jar, decorating it, and collecting spare change - every penny helps! Jars will be turned in at Mile 22 on Race Day to help children everywhere through life-saving research and care. Join us and give hope to kids who are battling life-threatening illnesses and ease the financial burden on families who do not have the ability to pay medical expenses. Join the fight to one day find a cure! The Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon and 1/2 Marathon happens because children need hope, and hope needs a champion.