At the October 16, 2017, Board of Education regular meeting, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Jamie Lusher shared the results of Grandview Heights Schools' State Report Card. Highlights from the presentation include:
Performance Index: 103.8
- The highest score in Franklin County and ranked 26th our of 608 districts in Ohio.
20 our of 24 Indicators Met
- 1 of 30 districts in Ohio to meet 20 or more indicators including 100% American Government and 93% Algebra
- 478 out of 608 districts met 10 indicators or less
Prepared for Success: B (increased from a C to a B)
Graduation Rate: A for 4 year and 5 year cohorts
Gifted Indicator
- Stevenson Elementary Performance Index 119.3 out of 120
- Gifted Inputs (Approximately 100% identified and served)
Data Supports Research-Based Practices in Curriculum & Instruction
- Alignment
- Intervention/enrichment models increase
To view Dr. Lusher's presentation and State Report Card results and data for each school building, please see the attached documents.