It is with great pleasure that I share with you that Tuesday, voters approved Issue 6 on the November 6 ballot. This issue is a combined 1-mill of operating and an additional 5.84-mills of bonds. Operating funds from this issue will be used to cover the day-to-day expenses such as teachers, utilities, and supplies. The bonds will generate $55.25 million to fund safety and security upgrades to all school buildings, build a new fourth through eighth grade school, and comprehensively renovate Grandview Heights High School.
On behalf of the entire Grandview Heights Schools, I want to say thank you to the voters for their support. Because of you, we are now able to focus on providing modern learning spaces for students instead of how to keep up with antiquated system repairs.
I must also thank the many volunteers who worked so tirelessly to get accurate information out and into the community. You gave a great deal of your time and effort to the students and staff in our schools and we greatly appreciate your endeavors.
We look forward to welcoming students and beginning the planning process for our new and renovated schools. Thank you!
Andy Culp, Superintendent