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PowerSchool, Schoology, Parent Square & Additional Resources



A Parental Guide to Protecting Your Child’s Online Activity

We recommend you read this article from the Center for Internet Security for parents.



PowerSchool Parent Portal (Grades KG-12) - Report Cards, Grades, & Attendance

PowerSchool is our student information system and can be accessed by students and parents to see report cards (K-12), grades and attendance (4-12).

Parent Square

Parent Square - Communication with Parents/Guardians

Parent Communication platform for teachers, buildings, and the district staff to communicate information directly to parents.  This is a secure platform that keeps all important messages, details, and upcoming events in one place for parents.  Using the phone app makes it easy to stay connected!


Schoology (Grades 2-12) - skoo·luh·jee - Assignments & Classwork

Student Learning platform for teachers to securely share class assignments and collect student work online.  Parents can see resources and learning materials shared with their students. 


Seesaw (Grades KG-1)- Student Portfolio

Student Learning platform for teachers to securely share class assignments and collect student work online in grades KG-1.  


Google Workspace:

Student document creation and collaboration tool.  Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and more, along with Gmail which integrates with many other tools students use.



Student Access to Classlink on Home Device

Classlink hosts all the links and bookmarks to all the tools and software our students use.  We recommend you use the Google Chrome Browser.

  • On your home computer, have the student go to
  • Sign in by using your student’s Grandview Google Account (


LINQ Connect Icon

LINQ Connect Breakfast & Lunch Balance

See your child's lunch balance, add funds, and review purchases.


Grandview Heights Logo

Student/Parent Help

  • If you are having technical difficulties, if a device is broken, please email [email protected] 
  • If you are experiencing instructional technology challenges with how to sign in, where to find information, or how to complete online work please contact your child's teacher.